Sep 16Liked by Mary Plantwalker

Wow you just put words to my feelings. Thank you for this Mary. Somewhere I have one of your recipes for an elixir that contained Ashwagandha, and I always wanted to make it. Now inspired to find that recipe and make it. I'd love to take your class, just waiting to see if some travel plans will conflict.

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Oh yes, I remember that recipe! I'm trying to remember what I called it- I made it all the time in 2010 and 2011. It had reishi in it too, yes? That would be marvelous if your travel plans allow you to come. Thank you for sharing!

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What you said regarding getting more people out with the plants, in a wide variety of ways and comfort really resonated. 💚 I deeply hope you have an amazing group of humans join you for your elixir gathering.

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You are so kind- I sincerely appreciate that blessing! Me too!! Thank you for also being devoted to walking the Green Path!

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Sep 15Liked by Mary Plantwalker

I recall working in tobacco here in Eastern NC as a child. Unfortunately the old stories were not a part of our culture. The book Braiding Sweetgrass speaks of the past importance of tobacco. Thank you for your contribution to my growing knowledge.

Being an elder brings realization of the beauty of not rushing. I hear your impatience with yourself and I pray that you will bring a gratitude to your work and how the ripples are spreading out. There is a season.

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I need to go back and re-read the Braiding Sweetgrass on Tobacco- somehow I forgot it was mentioned in there. Thank you for reminding me.

The beauty of not rushing is certainly something I am learning as I age, yes! I don't feel I have impatience with myself, actually, but more an urgency to spread earth tending and plant knowledge to as many people as possible in these times. Thank yo also for the reminder that there is a season for it all of it. Much appreciation for you!

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Sep 15Liked by Mary Plantwalker

Bless you dear Mary! This inspires me so much and shines a mirror back at me! I am one who has said, I want to be your shadow, learn from you. Now I can. Thank you for persevering and for doing what you love, teaching us all to do the same.

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Awe, Mattie, you are so dear! I just saw you registered and so look forward to seeing you at the heart elixir workshop!

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My grandfather was a tobacco farmer in Kentucky. The farm and he are long since gone, but I always appreciate learning more about farming communities and what the annual cycle from settng to marketing meant for them. Wendell Berry is eloquent on the subject, and right now I'm reading Barbara Kingsolver's Demon Copperhead which brings me closer to the physical process of the work. Most of all, I thank you for this close-up teaching of the plant herself. her many varieties and uses. Sending best wishes for your classes. They will fill.

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Another great reminder- to re-read Wendell Berry's work on Tobacco farming! Both he and Barbara Kingsolver are two of my favorite authors- thank you for calling them in. And for your kind words and faith in my classes filling. Blessings right back to you, too!

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