The way you write is comforting. Love the teachings and many uses of mugwort, thank you thank you. I had only heard of it as tea or smoke

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This was a fantastic read. I just recently dreamed that I was dancing inside a worn down wooden shack, when a voice shouted "Look up to the sky! There's a ring of red lights!" I looked up through the broken roof, peeking through gaps between the planks to see... nothing but the starry sky. No UFOs in sight. I couldn't yet reach such a delightful, cosmic vision. I can still feel myself hoping and longing to see more in another dream.

My entire substack is dedicated to lucid dreaming, and your article makes me want to work more with dreaming herbs in the near future, to see what the mind can conjure up. It is such a magical experiment. Thank you!

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Thank you for the teachings about mugwort. It grows everywhere here, and this time of year forms a curtain where the rain garden ends and the meadow begins. I have to push it aside to go through, and now I will do that more consciously. I'm going to try the tea too.

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I remember you asking me to pick some mugwort at our home on the mountain to bring to you for the celebration of Frank's life. You held tight to the bundle during the ceremony. Last night I dreamed I was driving down a freeway with an unhoused, old man in the back seat and I was looking for a place to take him where he would be safe.

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I wake before the sun rises this morning after a potent dream, and find this treasure in my inbox. Why am I not surprised? I love how our Lives are entwined, and offer medicine to one another. Thank you, SistAr.

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