Jan 22Liked by Mary Plantwalker

Thank you, SistAr, for naming the “no time for art” voice!! Let’s shine the light on that unhelpful thinking and pull that monster out from under the bed!

And oh yes, GinGer!! My breakfast this morning was a warming ginger soup.

And how I love your two Ginger Daughters, fiery & warming indeed ❤️ 🔥 ❤️

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"Actually, there’s a voice in my head that says making any art is a luxury that I cannot afford." I often hear a similar voice, and it's good to know others struggle with it. Thank you for your honesty.

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Jan 20Liked by Mary Plantwalker

Mary, I'm glad you are fighting that voice, although how painful it is to read that making art feels like an unaffordable luxury! The quote on my blog says, "If food and shelter give us life, the arts give us something to live for." Thomas H. Keane

Berthold Brecht answered the question, "In the hard times will there also be singing?" with "Yes, there will be singing about the hard times."

In every situation, the arts uplift. As Mary Oliver wrote, “Poetry is a life-cherishing force. For poems are not words, after all, but fires for the cold, ropes let down to the lost, something as necessary as bread in the pockets of the hungry.”

"Art like prayer is a hand outstretched in the darkness, seeking for some touch of grace which will transform it into a hand that bestows gifts."

Franz Kafka

In the midst of public jabber, high-velocity advertising, and shameless television, where is one true word? Where are three? Who will pause long enough to describe something truly, and clearly? Where is the burn of speech, the sweet rub of language, the spark that links us? Poetry, poetry!

~Naomi Shihab Nye

A book should serve as the ax for the frozen sea within us. Again, it's Kafka.

Never be sorry about anything creative or beautiful you make!

Tabatha :)

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Yes! These quotes…so good to read and take in. “If food and shelter gives us life, art gives us something to live for.” Thank you, Tabatha! In the naming and admitting of how this voice in my head belittles me making Art, I find it has become less loud.

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Aw I love this piece and so believe in your message!! 💐🌀💌 I’m so very touched by the mention, and being called a poet brings such joy to my soul 🥰🙏 thank you beautiful Mary, what a gift.

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& Thank you, dear Kate, for so generously sharing with us the beautiful way you perceive the world~

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Someday I’m making the trip to visit you and your magical gardens, it has to happen 😊

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I will be here to welcome you with open arms, Kate!

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